The film processing

The film processing, Compose a film processing is the experience more exciting that the scriptwriter of the film may experience. A difficult task but which gives a feeling of deep satisfaction, treatments that finally are wrapped up in the camera-rest and entertain millions across the world is the dream of every writer that is carried out. Care to film is a brief synopsis of the history of the film, a version slightly more of a plan. It consists of a description of how you want the movie to feel when the project is completed. Rhythm, the tenor and CRA character in the film under find a place in the treatment. A treatment of the film is an excellent tool to raise funds. If readers - the potential developers - are impressed, they may agree to pay money to produce the film. Once this major obstacle has been taken, all the other challenges seem to pale in comparison.

Write a film processing is the step between the time where you have gathered all the relevant information on sheets and the time where you write the first draft script. The ideal length is still a subject of controversy. We can say that the length is irrelevant insofar as you have included all the important elements of the story. It is not necessary to detail the direction of the camera, the crew or dialogues. Treatment includes the plot of the film base, and it is written in the present, in the form of prose. There are two main types of treatments that depend on time and the object of their composition.

1 Treatment initial project - it is a little more detailed and more and is written to guide the author during the Screenwriting process. It can vary in length from 30 to 80 pages, format A4 using, with 12 points, Courier New, line spacing single police.

2 Treatment Presentation - This is compiled in order to highlight the concept. This is a short scene-by-scene description of the idea, but do not miss one of the important elements that drive the story forward. The same style format must be maintained in a treatment of this kind of film.

Treatments for the cinema are either a document to leave for after the sales pitch, or a roadmap for the writers as they weave their way through the script writing process. The narrative logical and interesting of this concept allows the author to exercise creativity while limiting unnecessary aspects. A well-written film processing shall bear the following information:

• A descriptive title of the genus
Writer • the name and contact information
• WGA registration number
• The logline or the summary in a sentence or two
• An introduction of all characters
• History is why, who, why, where and how
• Setting up (early), conflict (in the middle) and (late) resolution. This is often referred to as the three-Act structure.

It is essential that those who read the treatment must be able to develop it in a page about 100, completed scenario. This means that the treatment of the film is a saleable product by itself. There are many writers of professional treatment that can help you write a protective film.